Podcasts are a fun way to acquire insights and knowledge. Nothing like a free-flowing chat where the host and the guest meander into chartered and uncharted territories baring their mind. I've recorded a couple - and the entire process is quite fulfilling.

I listen to both popular as well as niche podcasts. I generally tend to side with more timeless content over a news-centric podcast. Having said that, I do enjoy a variety of them, and below is my pod-list:


The Tim Ferriss Show

Joe Rogan Experience

The Seen and The Unseen with Amit Varma

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History

Huberman Lab

Business & Technology

Indie Hackers

Masters of Scale by Reid Hoffman

AI Podcast by Lex Fridman

Business Wars

The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish

Finance & Investing

Animal Spirits with Ben Carlson & Michael Batnick

Invest like the Best by Patrick O'Shaughnessy

PaisaVaisa with Anupam Gupta

All-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg

News & Views