The interest in this seemingly dull area stems from my middle school obsession with Geography. Although often categorized as a Humanities subject, it has considerable scientific elements. That's what appealed to me. Atlas was a great summer pastime.

As I grew older and learned about World History, it was natural to gravitate towards the present: where we are now. Adding to this were some of the movies I liked had historical backdrops and it was a fun albeit often biased view of society as a whole. It gave rise to broader questions like: Why the USA is so strong? How the tiny nation of Singapore became the poster child of globalization? Can the Silk Routes be revived? The Internet Rabbithole has kept me hooked and I often find myself reading about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict or the 1982 Falkland Agitation.

I often read geopolitical pieces. I enjoy them. I don't write about them but I plan to win the future. I consider myself a student, an avid watcher of the space. This section hopes to do just that.

<aside> ✍️ Every Saturday, I will share the top 5 interesting links I came across in the week. Hopefully, this curation exercise will not only help me to be disciplined about my readings but also benefit some of the lost souls of the Internet Hood.
