Can cut through the clutter and understand the problem

Don't BlackBox the inherent assumptions while building a hypothesis

<aside> 💡 If you understand the need-gap well, you'll be able to iteratively improve your solutions


<aside> 💡 The Crux. You live by it. If you're dying by it, you know where the remedy could be.


Are data-driven but appreciate the value of intuitive thinking

Work backwards - from the customer towards the solution

<aside> 💡 First-principles thinking will save you when you don't have or can't rely on data


<aside> 💡 This requires digging into those customer escalations. Pick up the phone, fire up that mail.


Are Process Driven but be flexible to tweak the processes with changing dynamics

Can Prioritize, Prioritize and Prioritize

<aside> 💡 Without set processes, you'll be lost dealign with myriad teams and your customers


<aside> 💡 Give pre-reads before meetings. Time-Box. Ruthlessly cull the unimportant.


Think and Build Iteratively

Don't succumb to stakeholder pressure

<aside> 💡 Start Small. Scale Iteratively. Keep Testing your hypothesis.


<aside> 💡 Hardest but the most important. Trust those processes.


Move On quickly

Love trying new products

<aside> 💡 Whether in failure or success. Both Guilt and Complacency are killers.


Never loses sight of the North Star Metric

<aside> 💡 Keep NSM at the forefront of all things you do. They can change as you move along.


<aside> 💡 You don't know it all. You keep learning from the best.


Knows it's all about Impact

<aside> 💡 Launching feature after feature can be vain. Impact on NSM trumps everything.
